
“We believe that the quality of our experiences has a direct influence on the quality of our lives.”

Our Values

Like a beacon, these values draw us towards high quality experiences:

  • Excellence
  • Congruence
  • Sustainability
  • Human Intimacy
  • Community
  • Empathy
  • Conviviality

“We believe that a meaningful life is an enduring process that gives direction, it is not a destination or a goal.”

Our Core Purpose

Our core purpose gives us a sense of meaning:

Working with like-minded organisations and people dedicated to creating mutually supportive communities and sustainable economic systems.

How might you recognise us?

In the kitchen and at the dining table

The concept of conviviality, the joy of being together, is deeply intertwined with the act of sharing a meal. For us, as an Anglo-Italian entity, cooking and eating together are expressions of creativity, passion, and a profound sense of community.

A meal in Italy is not merely about consuming food – it’s a ritual that fosters connection, evokes memories, and celebrates life. The experience of dining in Italy leaves a lasting impression on visitors, as it embodies the warmth, generosity, and spirit of the Italian way of life.

La bocca non a xe straca se non a sa da vaca.”

Walking around

We embrace the concept of “flânerie“, expanded beyond the urban setting of the city or town to embrace the entirety of the human environment.

The flâneuse and flâneur enjoy walking randomly, drifting with the tides on the streets and trails, taking great pleasure in a dreamlike state of coincidentalism – being open to all the unfolding daily events and sights.

Honoré de Balzac described “flânerie” as “the gastronomy of the eye”.

In a cultural rapture

Be it listening to music, reading a book, looking at a work of art or asborbing through our senses any one of a myriad cultural forms, we are continually seeking to explore the dedication of the artists, the craftspeople and artisans that dedicate themselves to such purposeful expression.

The joy of transfiguration, by being in the moment through our mental and emotional processes, provides for nourishment and growth.